I regret not knowing about this Soon enough!
It’s almost like a slow poison.
It enters your body, and silently starts destroying you on the inside.
You won’t notice, but even if someone points it out – you don’t believe that it’s happening to you.
You live in denial.
By the time you realize it….. The damage has been done.
And you feel ashamed to tell anyone, you want to leave the poison, but you can’t.
You know it’s doing you bad, yet you somehow feel like you can’t survive without it
Why are we talking about poison?🤔
Well, because emotional abuse is just like slow poison.
I call it “Hidden Abuse” because so many women are victims, yet they don’t know.
Heck, you might be experiencing this hidden abuse right now, or maybe experienced it in the past but you don’t know, it’s abuse.
That’s why it’s so deadly.
Only a few women come out of emotional abuse, and heal.
Most just exist, without living. They live the rest of their lives with zero joy, and extremely low self-esteem.
Read with me the Doreen’s story below:
”We lived in different cities.
Then he offered to fly me over to see him.
So I flew over and for the whole 2 weeks, he took me out to eat at the best local spots, introduced me to his friends as his girlfriend which got me excited.
He showered me with flowers, never-ending compliments, and fun surprises
This is what I’ve been waiting for all my life.
He introduced me to his family.
I thought things were moving fast but I was just really excited. I was completely infatuated with him.
He seemed like a nice, down-to-earth guy but a few things were unsettling.
And they were the red flags that I was too in love to notice .
The Red Flags
One of the red flags was what he told me about his relationship with his previous girlfriend.
According to him, every bad thing that happened in their relationship was because of her.
He even told me they got into a fight where she slapped him.
So their relationship was definitely unhealthy.
But from the way that he said it, it seemed like it was only unhealthy because of her. So I didn’t think much of it.
The Abuse (Trigger warning)
The abuse started very playfully but sneaky.
Like making jokes about me, poking fun at me, light-hearted things couples do.
Except it was all one-sided. When I tried to make fun of him, he didn’t like it.
Later on, it moved to playfully undermining the progress I made. Playing blocking the doorway.
Playfully locking me in the bathroom. Next thing I knew, he was playfully locking me out of my phone so I couldn’t leave. And then playfully yet forcefully having his way with me in bed. I remember being pinned down, and I couldn’t move my arms and my body. I never felt so weak and helpless in my life.
And I didn’t leave after that.
Mind you, in between his outbursts of abuse, he was, for the most part, attentive & caring.
And I didn’t know abuse worked in cycles.
And the more these cycles happened, the more I became attached to him and the more he held me emotionally captive.
He was an expert at mind games, a master manipulator…….He twisted stories and turned things around until I felt guilty…….. I ended up apologizing for mistakes that were not mine
He knew how to whip my guilt conscience until I did things that he wanted me to do but I wasn’t interested in doing
How dare I do something without his permission.
He tells me what to do because apparently, I was doing everything wrong in my life. Every aspect of my life was actually wrong
And when I didn’t want to talk to him, he’d call and call until I answered. One time he even called me 50x straight.
Whenever I confronted him, he either shut me down, told me it was my fault, or just didn’t say anything. And maybe it was my fault. Maybe I was just overthinking it or overreacting
He deflects every blame back to me. I felt like I was overly emotional, paranoid, stupid, or anything else that causes me to doubt myself.
I started making excuses for him.
When he tells me I’m too fat or too thin and what I should wear, I thought it only means he loves and cares about me.
He made me choose between him and my friends. My man was more important than a friend, so I would pull away and disengage from my friendships.
One day I was scrolling through socials and saw a post about this book: Hidden Abuse.
I was curious, it drew me in…. I ended up buying it and OMG that’s when it clicked.
Up until this point, I never considered what I was going through as abuse. I thought an abused woman had bruises all over her body and I didn’t have any.
But the book opened my eyes to some forms of abuse I didn’t even know existed.
I wasn’t going crazy. I wasn’t overly sensitive. I wasn’t paranoid. I wasn’t dumb. I felt validated for the experience I went through. And I started to accept that everything that I thought was my fault, was never my fault to begin with.
Then the shame started. As a smart and successful woman, I never thought this would happen to me — and yet it did.
I couldn’t continue being in a relationship with an abusive person.
Leaving that relationship was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It took 9 exhausting months.
I was so drained from the abuse that I didn’t have much strength to leave. I had already been so isolated from my friends and family
And my self-esteem had been so broken down, I thought I’d be worse if I left. But I was suffering and I couldn’t take it anymore.
And the more I tried to leave, the more he sensed it, and the more he made sure I didn’t.
He started apologizing, promising to take me out more and treat me better.
He’ll say things like “I will kill myself if you leave’’
He just wanted me back under his control.”
Doreen’s story is what so many women go through. And just like Doreen, you don’t even know, you’re being abused.
Probably, because the abusive person didn’t beat or hit you.
And it’s not the woman’s fault, it’s not your fault.
These abusers are master manipulators.
They are so good at masking their abuse with kindness.
They also disguise their controlling behaviour as romantic gestures making it harder for you to notice what is happening.
Then you begin to make excuses for their abusive behaviors.
You start saying things like:
“It’s my fault, I’m being emotional. He doesn’t mean any of the things he said. He’s just going through a lot. There must be something wrong with me. He’s just being funny…
And on and on, the excuses continue.
That’s why,hidden abuse has destroyed so many women.
It’s made so many women useless, some end up committing suicide, some start doing hard drugs trying to manage the pain they are going through…
The women become so damaged that they can’t accomplish their dreams.
I should know, this was my life too for over 15 years, before I broke free.
The scary part is, someone we know; our sister, daughter, friend,or colleague could be going through this hidden abuse without us knowing, because the abuser has isolated them to ensure that they are not close to anyone. After all, it’s easier to hunt down an isolated impala than when they are in a pack….
Also, you wouldn’t see any physical scars, or beatings on their body, so you think they’re okay.
But, they are dying inside, slowly. The poison, sorry, emotional abuse is gradually destroying them on the inside, and no one knows.
Do you know research from The Women Abuse Center has it that the scars from emotional abuse can be more deep and long-lasting than wounds from punches or slaps.
In fact, women who have experienced violence from a partner, report that the man’s emotional abuse is what is causing them the greatest harm.
That’s why after over 15 years of experiencing abuse myself, and over 5 years of time-consuming study & research, as well as therapy for myself and counseling victims of abuse…
I’ve written a book that has helped so many women gain clarity and break free from abusive relationships.

Take a look at some of the gems you'll find inside the book: Hidden Abuse.
- How to recognize hidden Abuse: pg 14.
You will discover signs that reveal an abuser to you, and also tell you if you're in an abusive relationship, so that you can leave early… before it's too late.
A lot of women walk blindly into an abusive relationship, but after you're done reading this chapter…
You will be too smart that you can identify an Abuser, and the Trigger warnings.
So you can't fall prey to their poisonous charm ever again.
- Tactics Abusers use to keep you stuck: On pg 54
you will find out the manipulative ways these abusers use to keep their victims so attached to them…
That's why victims find it difficult to leave even if they want to. They hold you emotionally captive.
Once you discover these tactics you will know how to boldly break free from the invisible prison the abuser has locked you up in.
- Why you're targeted for Abuse.
Certain belief patterns and mindsets attract abusers into your life.
There is a certain way you unknowingly set yourself up as a target.
Discover these patterns that made you or might make you a target of abuse on pg 73. You'll be shocked at how common they are.
- My unusual guide for healing from abuse:On page 85 ;
Certain belief patterns and mindsets attract abusers into your life.
- Does your partner use any of these toxic relationship tactics? Find out in pg 64...
- How to present yourself so you don’t attract the wrong kind of guys:
Any woman that has been a victim of abuse in the past, is more likely to fall victim again.
This chapter will teach you how to safeguard yourself so you don’t fall victim again.
And so much more…
Here one shocking thing about hidden abuse..👇
It doesn't only happen with your partner, you can experience hidden abuse from your boss, family, friends and colleagues.
That's why you need the ebook, Hidden Abuse, to recognize it and how to smartly deal with it …
So that it won't mess up your life, and prevent you from having the amazing life you were created to have.
It's time to break free from the bondage of abuse, whether past or present. You deserve better.